usis - mkm

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turbo makineler 1.soru yapabilen lütfen ulaşsın
In the fluid mechanics laboratory, the outlet pressure (P2) variation of a compressor with mass flow (ṁ )
will be analyzed. In order to reduce the number of experiments in this study, it is desired to determine
dimensionless numbers. As a result of the evaluations, it was determined that the compressor rotation (ṅ),
diameter (D), inlet (RT1) and outlet (RT2) temperatures and inlet pressure (P1) are other parameters in this
analysis. Using the method of repeating variables, fetermine the dimensionless numbers in the problem.
Select the inlet temperature (RT1), inlet pressure (P1) and diameter (D) as repeating variables.

gönderen: enesbabiko - 01/05/2020 - 15:57
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(01/05/2020 - 18:00)
turbo ödevini yapan biri yardımcı olursa sevinirim ben de. Sorularda ilerleyemedim

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