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catia V5 hakında
iyi günler arkadaşlar, catia V5 sistem gereksinimleri hakkında bilgisi olan varsa bana yardımcı olabilir mi acaba? internetten araştırdım bulamadım. şimdiden teşşekkür ederim.

gönderen: muhendismen - 19/07/2008 - 12:18
 Soru Hakkında Yazılan Cevaplar:
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deep s.
(19/07/2008 - 13:31)
Network Adapter: An active LAN adapter (installed and configured) is required for licensing purposes.

Operating System: Windows® 2000 Professional(Service Pack 4 minimum) or Windows XP Professional Environment.

**Note: Please be aware that CATIA is not supported on the new Windows VISTA platform and will not function correctly.

System Unit: An Intel® Pentium® III, Pentium® 4, or greater/equivilant.

Disk Drive: An internal or external disk drive (minimum recommended size is 4 GB) is required to store program executables, program data, the user environment, and to provide paging space. Installation of all CATIA V5 product requires 1.7 GB on Windows).

Memory: 512 MB of RAM is recommended. Requirements may be greater when large amounts of data are used.

Internal/External Drives: A CD-ROM drive is required for program installation and for access to the online documentation, which can optionally be downloaded to disk.

Display: A graphic color display compatible with the selected platform-specific graphics adapter. The minimum recommended size for usability reasons is 17 inches.

Graphics Adaptor: A graphics adapter with a 3D OpenGL™ accelerator is required. Note that graphic performance on local transformations (panning, zooming, rotating model) will depend on the selected graphics adapter. The graphics adapter should have the following capabilities:
24 bits, true color, double buffered visual
24 bits, Z-buffer
Stencil buffer
Minimum supported resolution: a minimum resolution of 1024 x 768 is recommended for usability reasons.

Keyboard: A specific keyboard compatible with the selected installation locale may be required for national language support.

Pointing Device: Three-button mouse. On Windows workstations, a two-button mouse may alternatively be used (the third button is emulated with a keyboard sequence). The three-button mouse is recommended for usability reasons. IntelliMouse (two buttons plus a wheel instead of the third button) is an alternative to the three-button mouse on Windows workstations. The wheel acts as the middle button to allow additional manipulations, such as panning and scrolling.

umarim yardimci olmustur.. google da catia v5 system requirements diye aratinca cikiyor zaten.. kolay gelsin!!
(19/07/2008 - 16:58)
sağol vakit ayırıp yardım ettiğin çok teşekkür ederim. catia nın resmi sitesine bakmıştım bulamadım.
(19/07/2008 - 20:29)
ram ini iyi tutmaya calıs kastırıcı bi programdır
(20/07/2008 - 12:31)
bizim için artık çift çekirdek. pcler. 2gb ve üzeri ramlar gerekiyor.

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