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29+32 kitap
Lang: English | various | PDF and HTML | 450 MB

This is a uniqie collection of various Engineering and Marine Engineering book academic books in use in various univiersity courses around the world, bot at undergraduate as well as post-graduate level. This is a unique collection exclusive for avaxhome and its users.

Materials science and engineering callister 7th edition
Basic Ship Theory Volume 2
Basic ship theory, volume 1 3rd Edition
Basics of Fluid Mechanics (2008)
Doe Fundamentals Handbook - Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer
Engineering Mathematics- II (2009)
Engineering Mechanics - Statics, R.C. Hibbeler, 12th Edition
Engineering - Fluid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering Handbook Kreith Berger
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery 2nd Edition
Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics (Moran J., Shapiro N.M. - 5th ed. - 2006 - Wiley)
Higher Engineering Mathematics 5th Edition
Intro to Marine Engineering 2nd Edition
Intro to Naval Architecture 3rd Edition
Introduction fo Fluid Mechanics - Y. Nakayama
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics~tqw~_darksiderg
John Bird Engineering Mathematics
Marine Structural Design
Materials for engineering, 3rd Edition
Materials Science and Engineering - An Introduction - Callister 7e (Wiley, 2007)
Mechanics and Strength of Materials
Practical Ship Design
Practical Ship Hydrodynamics
Practical Design Ships Floating Structures VOLUME 1
Ship Construction 5Edition
Ship Stability For Masters And Mates 5Edition
Thermodynamics[An_Engineering Approach 5th Edition] Cengel
WOODYARD, D. F. (2004). Pounder´s Marine Diesel Engines and Gas Turbines (8th ed.)
Thermodynamics (2nd edition) J.M. Honig Elsevier

Özel Mesaj (Online)

29 Adet Kitap!!
« : Haziran 04, 2011, 08:04:40 ÖS »
Bu mesajı alıntı ile cevaplaAlıntı Mesajı değiştirDeğiştir Mesajı SilSil

Lang: English | various | PDF and HTML | 450 MB

This is a uniqie collection of various Engineering and Marine Engineering book academic books in use in various univiersity courses around the world, bot at undergraduate as well as post-graduate level. This is a unique collection exclusive for avaxhome and its users.

Materials science and engineering callister 7th edition
Basic Ship Theory Volume 2
Basic ship theory, volume 1 3rd Edition
Basics of Fluid Mechanics (2008)
Doe Fundamentals Handbook - Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer
Engineering Mathematics- II (2009)
Engineering Mechanics - Statics, R.C. Hibbeler, 12th Edition
Engineering - Fluid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering Handbook Kreith Berger
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery 2nd Edition
Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics (Moran J., Shapiro N.M. - 5th ed. - 2006 - Wiley)
Higher Engineering Mathematics 5th Edition
Intro to Marine Engineering 2nd Edition
Intro to Naval Architecture 3rd Edition
Introduction fo Fluid Mechanics - Y. Nakayama
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics~tqw~_darksiderg
John Bird Engineering Mathematics
Marine Structural Design
Materials for engineering, 3rd Edition
Materials Science and Engineering - An Introduction - Callister 7e (Wiley, 2007)
Mechanics and Strength of Materials
Practical Ship Design
Practical Ship Hydrodynamics
Practical Design Ships Floating Structures VOLUME 1
Ship Construction 5Edition
Ship Stability For Masters And Mates 5Edition
Thermodynamics[An_Engineering Approach 5th Edition] Cengel
WOODYARD, D. F. (2004). Pounder´s Marine Diesel Engines and Gas Turbines (8th ed.)
Thermodynamics (2nd edition) J.M. Honig Elsevier


+ 32 Kitap daha........

Centrifugal and rotary pumps
Computational Intelligence in Manufacturing Handbook
Continuum Mechanics for Engineers, Second Edition
Corrosion Science and Technology
Design for Reliability
Design Reliability Fundamentals and Applications
Dynamic Mechanilcal Analysis a Practical Introduction
Encyclopedia of Materials, Parts and Finishes, Second Edition
Fundamentals of Machine Component Design 3rd Edition Solution Guide
Handbook Mold, Tool and Die Repair Welding - Thompson Ebook
Handbook of Neural Network Signal Processing
IV Optimization Methods for Manufacturing
Materials Selection in Mechanical Design
Mechanical Engineering Handbook
Mechanical Systems Design Handbook Modeling, Measurement and Control(THE)
Mechanics of Sold and Shells
Mechanism Design Enumeration of Kinematic Structures According to Function
Mechatrincs Handbook, THE
MEMS, Handbook, THE
Metal Machining - Theary and Applications
Plant Engineering
Pump Handbook McGraw - Hill
Standart Handbook of Machine Design McGraw - Hill Second Edition
Structural Steel Designer´s Handbook McGraw Hill Thrid Edition
V, The Design of Manufacturing Systems
Six Sigma
CRC Press - Mechanical Engineering Handbook
How to Control Your Brain at Will
How to Improve Your Memory
English Vocabulary in Use - Upper Intermediate Advanced
McGraw Hill Cam Design Handbook Dynamics and Accuracy
Mechanical Systems Design Handbook

Özel Mesaj (Online)

Ynt: 29 Adet Kitap!!
« Yanıtla #1 : Haziran 04, 2011, 08:44:16 ÖS »
Bu mesajı alıntı ile cevaplaAlıntı Mesajı değiştirDeğiştir Mesajı SilSil
+ 32 Kitap daha........

Centrifugal and rotary pumps
Computational Intelligence in Manufacturing Handbook
Continuum Mechanics for Engineers, Second Edition
Corrosion Science and Technology
Design for Reliability
Design Reliability Fundamentals and Applications
Dynamic Mechanilcal Analysis a Practical Introduction
Encyclopedia of Materials, Parts and Finishes, Second Edition
Fundamentals of Machine Component Design 3rd Edition Solution Guide
Handbook Mold, Tool and Die Repair Welding - Thompson Ebook
Handbook of Neural Network Signal Processing
IV Optimization Methods for Manufacturing
Materials Selection in Mechanical Design
Mechanical Engineering Handbook
Mechanical Systems Design Handbook Modeling, Measurement and Control(THE)
Mechanics of Sold and Shells
Mechanism Design Enumeration of Kinematic Structures According to Function
Mechatrincs Handbook, THE
MEMS, Handbook, THE
Metal Machining - Theary and Applications
Plant Engineering
Pump Handbook McGraw - Hill
Standart Handbook of Machine Design McGraw - Hill Second Edition
Structural Steel Designer´s Handbook McGraw Hill Thrid Edition
V, The Design of Manufacturing Systems
Six Sigma
CRC Press - Mechanical Engineering Handbook
How to Control Your Brain at Will
How to Improve Your Memory
English Vocabulary in Use - Upper Intermediate Advanced
McGraw Hill Cam Design Handbook Dynamics and Accuracy
Mechanical Systems Design Handbook


gönderen: FOXX - 06/06/2011 - 22:23
 Konu Hakkında Yapılan Yorumlar:
yorum yapan(tarih) yorum
(06/06/2011 - 22:30)
Süper !
Çok çok tşkler
(07/06/2011 - 10:00)
FOXX yine patlattı, sağolasın
(07/06/2011 - 23:38)
Teşekkürler :)

Yorum Ekle © 2007 - forzamakine tarafından hazırlanmıştır. YTÜ makine mühendisliği öğrencileri tarafından hazırlanmış olup, burada yazılan hiçbir içerikten sorumlu tutulamaz. yazılan her yorum kişinin kendisine aittir. üyelerinin kişisel verilerini saklı tutar, başka kurum ya da kuruluşlarla paylaşmaz ancak gerektiğinde yasal mercilerin istemesi üzerine bu bilgiler aleyhinize kullanılabilir.