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Okuma Konuşma Outline
Arkadaşlar örnek outline ları bizimle paylaşırsanız çok seviniriz.Özellikle üst sınıftaki arkadaşlar yardımlarınızı bekliyoruz tüm makineciler olarak,teşekkürler şimdiden...

gönderen: hanoop - 11/11/2008 - 19:38
 Konu Hakkında Yapılan Yorumlar:
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(12/11/2008 - 02:46)
Tittle: Human Rights and Child Labor
Purpose: Inform to people what affects of child labor are.
Thesis Statement: To be located in working life at early ages is a social problem in Turkey.
You can see child labor in some area which are factor work, minning, agriculture, helping in
the parents' bussiness, having one' s own small business, doing, odd jobs.
Child labor is many dimensional problem which is interested in basic problems of
Turkey. Poverty, education and prefer cheap productive power are reasons of child
labor. Child labour is depend on the education and economy. If peoples' economic
situation is good, they don't need to child labor. To exploit child pains on present days,
all establisment about this subject have to try to solve this problem.

To develop is reason of decreasing child labor. But, in my opinion
children can't wait. So it must be prevened. Children don't have to put up with bad
conditions of countries. So everybody take must take more responsibility

Outline dediğiniz şey böyle bi şey midir. Geçen senelerden kalmış.
(13/11/2008 - 02:38)
sanırım bu şekildeydi teşekkürler ...

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