faborg g:1 |
faborg gr:1 binnur sağbaş Sunum soruları Gr:1 what are the reason for product development? GR:2....... Gr:3....... Gr:4 Çizelgelemede hedefler nelerdir Gr 5 What are the benefits of planning a manufacturing cell? Gr:6...... Gr 7: Write the principle of metarials handling system and explain one of them? Gr 8:...... Gr 9:What is the methods time measurement steps? Gr 10 What are advantages and disadvantages of just in time? Gr2,Gr3,Gr6,Gr8 sunumlarını hazırlayan arkadaşlardan sorularını yazarlarsa yararlı olur gönderen: mukogs13 - 29/05/2015 - 16:52 T / Ü / !? beyler hep beraber bi el atarsak iyi bi sonuç alabiliriz. |
gönderen: caydanadam - 02/06/2015 - 16:22
Konu Hakkında Yapılan Yorumlar: |
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caydanadam (02/06/2015 - 16:24) | Gr:4 Çizelgelemede hedefler nelerdir The principle aim of scheduling is to plan the sequence of work so that production can be systematically arranged towards the end of completion of all products by due date. |
caydanadam (02/06/2015 - 16:32) | Gr 5 What are the benefits of planning a manufacturing cell? Primary Benefits of planning a manufacturing cell: *Reduced materials handling-67 to 90 percent reductions in distance traveled are not uncommon, since operations are adjacent within a dedicated area. *Reduced inventory in process-50 to 90 percent reductions are common, since material is not waiting ahead of distant processing operations. Also, within the cell, smaller lots or single-piece flow is used, further reducing the amount of material in process. *Shorter time in production, from days to hours or minutes, since parts and products can flow quickly between adjacent operations. Secondary Benefits: -Easier production control -Greater operator productivity -Quicker action on quality problems -More effective training -Better utilization of personnel -Better handling of engineering changes |
caydanadam (02/06/2015 - 16:42) | Gr 7: Write the principles of metarial handling system and explain one of them. 1. Planning Principle 2. Standardization Principle 3. Wok principle 4. Ergonomic Principle 5. Unit Load Principle 6. Space Utilization Principle 7. System Principle 8. Automation Principle 9. Environmental Principle 10. Life Cycle Cost Principle Work Principle: Material handling work should be minimized without sacrificing productivity or the level of service required for the operation. |
caydanadam (02/06/2015 - 16:51) | Gr:10 what kind of wastes are there defined in Just-in-Time Philosophy? In Just-in-Time, there are 7 types of waste: * Waste of over production * Waste of waiting * Waste of transportion * Waste of underutilization of Employees * Waste of Inventory * Waste of motion * Waste of making defective products |
mukogs13 (02/06/2015 - 16:53) | Gr:1 what are the reason for product development? New strategies New Customer New research New thinking New Value New economy New opportunities |
caydanadam (02/06/2015 - 16:56) | Gr 10 What are advantages and disadvantages of just in time? Advantages * High quality * Flexibility * Reduced setup times * Reduced need for indirect labor * Less waste * Low warehouse cost * Synchronization between production schedulling and work hour Disadvantages * Time consuming * No spare product to meet un expected order * Supply shock: if products do not reach on time * High risk factor |
caydanadam (02/06/2015 - 17:03) | Gr 10: What are the Kanban Practices Visualize Limit Waste Manage flow Make policies explicit Improve Collaboratively |
caydanadam (02/06/2015 - 17:05) | hanımlar beyler diğer grupların sorularını bilen varsa yazsın lütfen yoksa da diğer gruplarda olanlardan biz soru vermedik hocaya diyen biri çıkarsa güzel olur |
mukogs13 (02/06/2015 - 17:09) | GR 9 What is the methods time measurement steps? [b] Factors: Skill,effort,consistency and performance Steps -Move -Turns -Position -Grasp -Release -Disengage -Eye times -Body Motions |
Yazıcıı (02/06/2015 - 17:14) | Gr 3 ten soru bırakan olmamış |
maxwell (02/06/2015 - 17:27) | orhan hocanın grubundan bir soru WHAT IS JUST-IN-TIME PRODUCTION? • Just in time production is a strategy which is based on a simple principle: ‘’What you need, only in the quantity that you exactly need, when you need it.’’ • Some companies that have successfully implemented JIT include; Toyota Dell Harley Davidson McDonald’s. |
caydanadam (02/06/2015 - 17:30) | orhan hocanın grubundaki sorular daha mantıklı gözüküyor o soruları da buraya yazabilecek var mı |
caydanadam (02/06/2015 - 17:34) | hoca ters köşe yapsa çok fena olur soruları olmayan grupların sorularını sorsa falan |
mukogs13 (02/06/2015 - 17:37) | Soruların hepsi buradan mı gelicek. ? |
caydanadam (02/06/2015 - 17:40) | sanmam ama 5 sorudan 3 ü buradan gelebilir hiç gelmeye debilir sonra sınavdan çıktıktan sonra vay caydanadam senin ben...... ......... ........ . .............. gibi cümleler kurma |
mukogs13 (02/06/2015 - 17:42) | Yapmam öyle bişey boş kağıt veririz ne olucak birader :) |
rodeotr (02/06/2015 - 17:46) | binnur hocayla orhan hoca sınavları ortak yapıyor dimi? |
caydanadam (02/06/2015 - 17:47) | benim ortak sınav yapıp yapmadığını bildiğim bütün bölüm dersleri ortak sınav yapıyor zaten bu sınav haftası olayı da ortak sınav yapıcaz diye çıkmıştı yanlış hatırlamıyorsam |
müptezeliz (02/06/2015 - 20:59) | Why do factories need Concurrent Engineering ? Product development cycle time is reduced between 40 and 60 percent Manufacturing costs are reduced between 30 and 40 percent Engineering change orders are reduced more than 50 percent Scrap and rework are reduces by as much as 75 percent |
arang (06/06/2015 - 16:38) | Binnur hocanın grubundan not aldığım birkaç soru: What is process design and planning for mass production ? What is the between and differences Cost-Volume-Profit analysis and Break-even point analysis? How are Margin of safety and operating leverage used to assess operational risk? |