takım tezgahları (ing) - 1.vize - 2014-2015 güz |
Takim tezgah (ing) orhan cakir 1-What is machine tool? Write 5 characterics 2-Compare harmonic and geometric progression. 3-What is stepless drive mechanisms. Classify 4-What is spindle? Which machine tools have spindle? 5-Why are we use casting for produce machine tools frame/bed? 6-Compare open (c) frame and close frame. 6sorudan 5ini seciyorduk. Arkadaslar ingilizcem pek iyi degildir, bazilarini tam aktaramadim ama ana hatlariyla boyleydi |
gönderen: forzamakine - 04/08/2017 - 13:31
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